Own the material, be able to discuss it and apply it beyond what is required in an assignment — and see the value in doing so.
Learning Fundamentals
Test Preparation
Time Management and scheduling
Effective study methods
Note taking
Academic Success
Building leadership skills
Creating balance and managing stress
Boosting self-confidence and developing goals for the future
Intro to the learning fundamentals package
Most students start here. Includes an initial assessment and 6 personalized lessons with your student going over the 6 fundamentals to academic excellence. Students gets a chance to explore different approaches to learning and choose what works for them.
Level One Pricing: $450 for 6 private sessions
One-on-one coaching and tutoring based on students current objectives
After student has acquired the tools to taking back ownership of their learning this is their chance to work on these skills and master them with the help of an academic coach who will mentor, inspire, and walk them through their initial trials and successes leading them to better ownership of the 6 fundamentals. This continued relationship with a coach is key for a student to build confidence in their application of these learning fundamentals and create their own success with them through more advanced subjects and as independent college learners.
Level Two Pricing: $60 per session held once or twice a week based on student need.